What Are The Features And Advantages Of A Glass Shower Screen

In any bathroom renovation in Singapore, selecting bathroom fixtures and finishes can be a difficult and stressful task. However, one of the most important decisions is how you choose to enclose your shower screen Singapore. If your choice is to include installing a glass shower screen, you would want to make sure it remains fashionable for many years to come. 
A glass shower screen that exudes an air of elegance

No matter your bathroom style, a quality glass shower screen Singapore will complement with each design element in your bathroom renovation. Clear shower screens give bathrooms a sense of modernity, class and cleanliness. 

What are the features and advantages of a glass shower screen?
A bathroom renovation in Singapore in progress
  1. Attractive - Glass shower screens Singapore look sleek and chic. Transparency makes your bathroom space look more polished and unified because they allow other design elements to be seen.
  2. Simple and desirable - Simplicity doesn’t mean boring, it means tasteful and selective. Glass shower screen create an air of elegance. These shower screens add value to your house.
  3. Look bigger and brighter – A glass shower screen will make your space appear larger and brighter for personal grooming necessity.
  4. Timeless style - What will still be in style 10 years time? Clear glass generally won’t be outdated. They are simple, effective and timeless. Glass shower screen enclosures are a save bathroom renovation investment. It can reduce the risk of falling out of fashion
  5. Durable and safe – They undergo tempering and treatment to strengthen it. Glass shower screens are scratch resistant and they shatter when broken. These glass shower screens are durable and safe.
  6. Low Maintenance - Glass shower screens require no maintenance other than regular cleaning to remove water spots and soap residue.
  7. Non-Invasive - If you use a shower curtain, you create a distinct barrier that can make your bathroom seem smaller. Clear shower screens create a flow that expands the space, making your bathroom appear larger.  Shower screens also let more light into the enclosure.
  8. Versatility - Shower screens Singapore offer many design options that allow you to fully integrate them into your bathroom space. They are available in different shapes.  It all depends on how you want your bathroom renovation to look like.